Christianity Explained, The Alpha Course, or MyLife Workshop? A Comparison of Evangelism Courses

You stand at a crossroads in your life. All your questions and searching have led to this moment. The decision you make will shape your neighbors and loved ones in eternity.

So what choice will you make – The Alpha Course, MyLife Workshop, or Christianity Explored?


As a Christian looking for creative and innovative strategies to share the Gospel and save the lives of your community members, you have lots of options. It’s easy to become overwhelmed at the sheer variety of resources and models currently available.

But the problem with our old methods is they aren’t working. 

As Christians, we desire to share the gospel and make disciples, and they want people to be actively sharing their faith and interacting with unchurched people. That’s a good thing!

However, evangelism is not a natural activity—it often needs prompting to grow and flourish within a person’s life. Many Christians can be helped along the way with evangelism resources and courses, and that getting them started with these tools helps them keep going.

One way to do encourage and facilitate evangelism is to provide them with tools and times of evangelism to help them engage in sharing the gospel. Courses like Alpha, Christianity Explained, and MyLife Workshop all aim to serve and support Christians on their evangelical journey.

But how can you know which one is right for you? 

Which Evangelism Course Will Help Me Share The Gospel?

Alpha is a long course, and is better suited for discipling someone who is already a Christian. Each session explores a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation to develop and deepen your walk with God. By session 6, the course assumes that all the participants are believers who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and the focus transitions to encourage students to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

However, over 22.5 million people have attended Alpha courses, making it one of the most widely used evangelistic tool in the world. 


MyLife-Workshop offers an introduction to God’s presence in our lives, and is a way to prepare hearts and minds to accept Jesus and begin their journey of faith. MyLife Workshop’s six session program focuses on non-believers, their experiences, and their unique lives, to share the gospel in a personal and powerful way. 

It can be considered a pre-Alpha course, offering the first step for a deeper relationship with Christ by first introducing God and his love to non-believers and helping them accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 


Christianity Explained is another Christian evangelism course. With its 6 sessions, it reviews 6 core doctrines of the gospel. This course is goes into great detail describing that salvation is by grace, not works.

The course’s approach presents the good news of Jesus in a way that is non-threatening and concentrates on the facts concerning the person and work of Christ.

Evangelism Is Changing

You’ve heard it said the twenty-first century is different from the twentieth. It’s not only because we have newer technology and social media. Church attendance is decreasing, religious “nones” and atheists are increasing, and the way people view and interact with truth has changed.

But many Christians and churches are evangelizing without considering the changes around us, and failing to make the unbelievable news about Jesus more believable. 

Although the essence of evangelism is the gospel—the message that Jesus Christ is Lord—the task of evangelism is our proclamation of this message. This task used to look like quoting Scripture or explaining the believability of the Christian faith through intelligent arguments.

Not anymore.

Many of the principles and methods of evangelism from the twentieth century no longer work effectively today. We need new strategies to communicate the timeless message of the gospel in culturally relevant ways. Author, church planter, and evangelist, Dietrich Schindler, shows us a way forward.

His evangelism course MyLife Workshop offers the solution to the changes we’ve seen in evangelism.

The course solves the problem of reaching people in a post-modern era.

MyLife Workshop offers guided lessons focused on the individual and their personal experiences to get past people’s defensive posture toward Christianity. Then, they can see the influence God has in their lives and seriously consider the claims of Jesus and understand how His gospel is good news for them.

Why Evangelism Is Important

No matter which tools you use to share the Gospel, after comparing these resources, we have learned more about evangelism and our faith:

We know there are some excellent tools to choose from to help you share the Gospel with friends, family, and strangers alike who are brokenhearted and searching for something more than this life. You are well equipped to obey the call of the Great Commission.

Small evangelical successes are worth celebrating. Most often, the journey of faith is a winding path, comprising a number of smaller and larger steps, moving both backwards and forwards.

God is full of surprises. It is reassuring to remember that evangelism is not primarily a human activity – we serve a missionary god who is already at work in the world in all sorts of unexpected ways drawing people to himself.

Evangelism is worth it. There is no more worthwhile or fulfilling ministry than to see broken, empty, or damaged lives transformed not just for now but for all eternity.